Social and conventional businesses : a meeting to break the glass ceiling
The vertical segregation of the labour market is overall the same for conventional enterprises and social ones. This is the observation that representatives of the two kinds of organisations discussed on 3 March 2016 on the occasion of the closing conference of the Gender Balance Power Map project. Objective: exchange each others' best practices to break the glass ceiling!
Inspiring testimonies and practical tools
To counter this trend, speakers reminded the importance of challenging gender stereotypes from a very eraly age. These stereotypes being even more significant for female social entrepreneurs, June O'Sullivan, CEO of a British social enterprise invited women to redouble their efforts in order to know more than their male fellows.
Breaking the glass ceiling will not happen without the contribution of public authorities: their fundamental role is to achieve social justice by empowering every individual to address gender inequalities. Concretely, it implies to implement necessary infrastructures for children's and dependant people's care.
A guide to improve
The speakers' testimonies and expertises echoed the European guide of best practices and recommendations. The guide, published in the frame of the Gender Balance Power Map project thanks to the support of the PROGRESS programme of the EU, is intended to enterprises and public decision-makers to enhance women's participation to economic decision-making.
For those who could not get a hard copy on the event day, the guide is available for free in French and in English on PLS' and the project's websites.