Third places: Cooperating to create, learn and undertake

Wednesday, 5 July 2023
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Developing and sustaining third type meeting spaces: the final conference of the PLACES-3T project will feature outstanding presentations followed by debates. REGISTER!

Place, work and the unexpected - Creating, learning, undertaking towards cooperative social transitions: this is the topic of the final conference of the PLACES-3T project. This event will take place on Wednesday 5 July 2023, from 9.30 am to 4 pm, in Brussels (LaVallée), and will bring together presentations by decision-makers and experts, debates, workshops, a lunch served on site... and will also connect you with representatives of organisations from Belgium, Spain, France, Italy and the Netherlands.

This conference will be an opportunity to exchange ideas and discover the achievements of the PLACES-3T project. Supported by Erasmus+, this European project aims to develop and make sustainable "spaces of the third kind": physical, virtual and/or hybrid collaborative spaces that enable social, cultural and entrepreneurial innovation. They are characterised by the fact that the actors who work in them energise them and generate collective dynamics in order to carry a common and innovative idea in the field of culture, business or society. They may be third places, spaces for cultural creation, innovation or coworking that bring together a group committed to taking up a common challenge in the service of the community through cooperation and the pooling of skills and activities.

The programme is available as an attachment. The 9.45am session will focus on European initiatives and support for developing and sustaining places of the third kind, with two speakers:

  • Barbara Stacher, European Commission / DG Education, Arts and Culture
  • Marco Cecchinato, AEF-Europe / EPALE.

Free and compulsory registration by filling the registration form.






Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39


Sanjin Plakalo
