Inclusive digital Hackathon
The EUnited We Code project partnership will be in Brussels at the end of June 2019 for a full week dedicated to inclusive digital. A hackathon, a creative, participatory and collaborative process dedicated to digital innovation will be held!
The strength of the Simplon.co methodology is definitely the commitment to make digital a powerful tool for social inclusion, and it works! But how can it be improved?
With the EUnited We Code project, Simplon France, Simplon Roumanie, Factoria F5, BeCode and the think & do tank POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ shared their experience, questioned each other and finally identified 3 tracks to strengthen the profile of trainers and optimize the social and solidarity model at the core of Simplon's activity: developing an interactive digital compass, setting up a mobility program and designing a toolkit for the recruitment of trainers.
Project managers, job coaches, trainers and educational engineers from each of the organizations participating in the project will meet during the EUnited We Code hackathon to consolidate these tracks.
They will be put into practice by the participating factories and then by the others, in order to continue on the way towards an ever more inclusive digital society.
Stay tuned, something big is coming!